National French Bulldog Day
Tomorrow is National French Bulldog Day! These adorable and sweet little dogs are a joy to train on our underground fence system, and if you’re looking to add a small dog to your home, a Frenchie could be the perfect choice!
With their unique bat-like ears and charming personalities, French Bulldogs have become one of the most beloved dog breeds worldwide. Known for their affectionate nature and easygoing demeanor, they make excellent companions in both busy cities like Albany and quiet suburban homes.
Low-energy and content with short walks and lounging, French Bulldogs are ideal for families with young children or those in smaller spaces. They also adapt well and are easy to train, often picking up on our fence training quickly and respecting boundaries.
Celebrate these lovable pups today by sharing pictures, treating them to a special dinner, or picking up a new toy on your next pet store trip!