Hunting Season
New York state is gearing up for hunting season which is starting in just a few short weeks. Hunting dogs are a great addition to hunting families! Tons of dog breeds can be used in this sport, including retrievers, hounds and spaniels. These dogs are highly intelligent and loyal to their people.
Back at home, some families struggle to contain their normally obedient hunting dogs. This is due to the amount of energy and drive the dogs have, that does not let up once their work is completed. Because of their talent in chasing and catching, they often go after animals such a squirrels or cats in their neighborhood. This can cause issues at home that we can help with!
Hidden Pet Fence can train your hunting dog to stay in the yard without being confined to a leash or tie out. We guarantee that even when a squirrel goes by, you dog will stay within the boundaries you choose! Let us do the work for you. Call today to see how we can help!